When we arrived in Cereste, our English hosts were curious. They were accustomed to guests passing through for a day or two on a tour of the hilltop villages nearby – but here we were, a round and waddling woman and a frankly tired looking man, staying for ten days. We know now, it was a date with destiny.
When our hostess learned about our special interest in René Char – she got very excited. Turns out, history was living just up the road. During the war, Char had a passionate relationship with a young woman from the village, whose own husband was a prisoner of war of Germany. Char’s lover had a daughter, Mireille, who was 8 years old in 1940. Now 76, she had just written a book about her childhood with René Char. Would we care to meet her…
And so it went. The next afternoon we found ourselves invited for coffee in Mireille’s vaulted stone sitting room, the ground floor of the old postal inn they had meticulously renovated – looking at letters in Char’s hand, his pencil box, his radio equipment – listening to tales of the Resistance, the Gestapo, and Char helping her with her homework by the fire. In true Provencal style, we lingered on through the afternoon: one coffee, a second, one cognac, and another.
Before we left, Mireille asked G. if he had any other questions. He did. Char refused to publish under the German occupation; instead, he buried his manuscripts in the cellar of Mireille’s family home. After the liberation in 1945, dug up the notebooks and sent them to his close friend, the author Albert Camus, in Paris. Published as Feuillets d’Hypnos, these poems remain Char’s masterpiece. Where, G. asked, was this famous hole in the floor? That’s easy, said Mireille, we still own the house.
The next morning, we found ourselves in the 17th century cellar of La Maison Pons, which had been Mireille's family home for 5 generations. Gwendal and I ducked as we followed Mirelle down the impossibly narrow steps at the far end of the room. The vaults of sand colored stone above our heads gave the space a slight chill, which, apparently, extends even into the heat of the Provencal summer. Mireille cleared away some empty wine bottles and pointed to a low wooden shelf, about a foot from the earthen floor. “That’s where Char buried his manuscript,” she said. “He came back for it after the war.”
“We used to store pigs down here,” continued Mireille, “In those days we ate everything. We sealed the cutlets in a layer of fat, and when you wanted one, you would dig it out.” As we were turning to leave, she stamped her foot on the packed earth floor. “My uncle Rene – he was Char’s driver during the war – before he died he said their might still be guns buried under here. But we never looked.”
We entered the house through the small sitting room, it's open fireplace stained with smoke. It was a strange little house, two steps up and three steps down to every room. Walls thick and cool and white.
And there it was. Our date with destiny. We both felt something of our future in these walls. We went back to the B&B, spent a sleepless night in front of an excel spreadsheet, and the next morning went back to ask them if we could buy the house….
It's taken the better part of a year to get ourselves sorted. One of the oddest things about writing and launching the Lunch in Paris book these past few months is that I've been reflecting on the past while also trying to construct our future. So here we go. We are off on a new adventure, and I hope you’ll join us. There’s so much to discover.
Char said it best:
Impose ta chance, serre ton bonheur et va vers ton risque. A te regarder, ils s'habitueront.
Les Matinaux (1950)
Impose your chance, hold tight to your happiness and go toward your risk. Looking your way, they'll follow. (The translation is mine, and rather liberal...)
i've been so excited, waiting till your next post! and of course it is wonderful..yours news is so exciting about the move, i can't believe you've moved from PARIS! i wish you luck and happiness in your new home :) and of course lots more cooking adventures in your new kitchen
ReplyDeleteThe story came out perfectly, Elizabeth. :) I am so glad that you finally came up with a way to blog about this. (I can stop holding my breath now. LOL)
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love how you came to be in your new home, just love it. It really is so very perfect. I wish you, Gwendal, and Augustin every happiness in your new home. I hope that very good things come from this, and that you will be as inspired in Provence in the future as Paris has inspired you in the past.
I cannot wait for more posts as you discover your new home. You will be missed in Paris (although if you are ever back in good weather, we really should take that walk in the park, haha!), but I am so darn excited about where you are now, I could just SQUEE! well there, I just did. :D
How wonderful! What a beautiful area (my sister was married nearby last July). Where is Nicole, your mother-in-law? I had wondered if she'd ever moved to Paris and, if so, now will she relocate south to be nearer to family. I hope to read some Provence-inspired recipes. Now you can plant a garden. I think a new book should be in the works. Congrats!
ReplyDeleteHooray for the next chapter! I can't wait to see how it unfolds ... and visit sometime soon!
ReplyDeleteAs for all your other blogs and your book, I loved reading this one! :D It makes me want to go back to France, I've missed it since I came back to the U.S. from there last year (I stayed in France for 3 weeks)!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the apple dessert and I hope your settling in in the new home will be an enjoyable and relaxing one!
Hi there...oh what a wonderful story...so full of history...I love it!!! Congratulations and wishing you many many happy years there...Dzintra♥x
ReplyDeleteWhy do those Resistance fighters always look so irresistable?
ReplyDeleteAnd who could resist this wonderful house of memories and lore?
Bravo and congrats Elizabeth on taking a bold step.
I have just finished your book and loved it. Your new house looks charming and has such amazing history. Hope to read about your future adventures in Provence.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting! What history in that place. It can only be a good omen for things to come: like you were meant to be there. Congratulations--I LOVE that you're moving there. Paris is great, but you can always go visit, and THIS is where my heart would be. Can't wait to hear more.
ReplyDeleteA moving story, and so very French. Best of luck with the house and with your exciting new life in Provence! I look forward to beautiful stories and pictures about your experiences in this magical part of the world.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful story. I look forward to following your adventures in Provence.
ReplyDeletedestiny spoke and you took the leap- WOW- I know you will all be VERY happy in your new home!
ReplyDeleteI just happened to stop by your blog and the name Cereste caught my eye as I live on the other side of the mountain in Vitrolles-en-Luberon. Small world. I'm sure you will be going to the market at Apt before long, it's fabulous. The market at Forcalqier on Monday is the largest one in Provence, and also the oldest. Great part of Provence.
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you (and nice to see the full story in print!)
ReplyDeleteJust arrived down south myself - drop me a line if you want to pop down for a day by the beach in Cavalaire sur Mer, it would be lovely to have you!
This is a lovely story. I'm so happy for you and your family. I was shopping here in the states today at a Barnes and Nobles and remembered that I wanted to get your book. Of course, they didn't have it, because I would've gotten a discount with my friends card if they had! :)
ReplyDeleteI hope to get it next week and make it one of my summer reads. I love your delectable blog and hope to visit Paris one day. Have a great weekend.
"We know now, it was a date with destiny." Love it! Read your book about two weeks ago!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Elizabeth, I have been a follower for a while and a fan of course! I LOVED your book and can't wait to read more about your next adventures in life. Congratulations on the new house! Take care.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth, I just found your blog via Karin and other posts about your book signing at WH Smith earlier this year.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the book, and especially congratulations on this new step in your life. I found it thrilling to read this post about the path that led you and your hubby to purchasing this special home in Provence.
Cheers and best wishes to you and your family for this exciting move.
Carolyn in Sydney (and sometimes Paris)
I don't think such a perfect-pitch, real-life story could or would happen to anyone but you!
ReplyDeleteJust a month ago, I met you and you mentioned your new home in Provence. Wow, you've already done it! Congratulations & wishing you many happy years 'en bas'! xo Amy
I discovered Lunch in Paris last week as I was browsing the food writing section at Border's for Amanda Hesser's Cooking for Mr. Latte. I'm almost done with your memoir. What a treat!! You are a fabulous writer and I'm looking foward to following your blog. I'm a huge fan of food writing and food oriented memoirs. Here are two memoirs I think you and your fans would enjoy: Clementine in the Kitchen by Samuel Chamberlain and M.F.K Fisher and Me by Jeannette Ferrary. Hope you'll come to Chicago for a book tour and I'm looking forward to your next memoir.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you! It's amazing isn't it, when you just know? You can almost feel the tumblers click into place.
ReplyDeleteBonne chance! I look forward to more stories!
C'est fantastique!! I love your story about how you acquired your new home. That's the best story I've read in months!
ReplyDeleteElizabeth -- That's so fantastic . . .wow, it was clearly meant to be! Paris will definitely miss you, but what an exciting change for you! Can't wait to hear more. Congratulations!